Дамы и господа,

Я создалa Юридическyю фирмy по международным юридическим консультациям в бизнесе с целью предоставления нашим деловым партнерам – предпринимателям комплексных юридических услуг на самом высоком уровне, гарантирующих долгосрочную юридическую безопасность.

Эта мысль стала главным посланием нашей деятельности и миссией, которую мы реализуем в нашей повседневной работе.

Юридическая фирма развивается динамично, и ее молодая и опытная команда в настоящее время состоит из 16 человек: юрисконсультов, адвокатов, юристов-практиков, докторов наук и аспирантов.

За двенадцать лет работы юридической фирмы мы доверяли более 500 предпринимателей, как отечественных, так и иностранных, из различных отраслей.

Приглашаем вас в нашу группу.

Ph.D. Magdalena Rytwińska-Rasz

  TOP 10

Our office in 6th place in the voivodeship Łódź

Business Profile

Our business partners receive from us the full legal service in all areas of law and all aspects necessary in business.


The team of committed lawyers who understand the needs and specificities of activity of our business partners are at your disposal. Our priority is to master the unique areas of business activities of our Partners so that the legal service rendered is the most efficient and effective.

We are at your disposal in all time zones

‘I solemnly swear to exercise the profession of the attorney-at-law so as to contribute to the protection and strengthening of the legal order of the Republic of Poland and to perform professional duties conscientiously and in accordance with the law regulations, keep professional secret,  as well as to act worthily and honestly, guided by the principles of attorney-at-law ethics and justice’

— Attorney’s Oath

Magdalena Rytwińska-Rasz Radca Prawny Łódź

Ph. D. Magdalena Rytwińska-Rasz


Justyna Zydel Radca Prawny Łódź

Justyna Zydel


Aleksandra Król

Legal counsel trainee

Lawyers cooperating

Piotr Grudziński



Melania Chandrała


Office in numbers
548.000.000 PLN

The value of legal services in the field of construction law

48.000.000 PLN

Is the highest value of the dispute of legal processes carried out by our Office


Is the number of agreements which we have prepared (wrote or endorsed) and negotiated and the number is growing


Is the number of cases for damages for personal injury we have conducted


The number of entrepreneurs who have benefited from our legal assistance


The number of investment processes in which we have rendered our services to their participants (investors, contractors, subcontractors)

100 %

We work with all companies which we have formed

96 %

Is the measure of our effectiveness: litigations which we have won


Is the exceeded number of companies of commercial law which we have formed, transformed, or audited


The number which soon will be reached as far as the comprehensive legal service rendered to entrepreneurs is considered


Any team lawyer at your disposal


Is the number of years during which we have been operating as an Attorney-at-law Office


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Sed in molestie turpis. Aliquam sodales lorem nec nulla pharetra, interdum dignissim nunc congue. Sed ac nisl suscipit, tincidunt ante at, vestibulum lectus. Nunc placerat elit in mi placerat ullamcorper.

Donec suscipit dolor risus, in posuere nisi facilisis sit amet. Sed in molestie turpis. Aliquam sodales lorem nec nulla pharetra, interdum dignissim nunc congue. Sed ac nisl suscipit, tincidunt ante at, vestibulum lectus. Nunc placerat elit in mi placerat ullamcorper. Nullam lobortis risus eget ante volutpat, et luctus justo semper. Pellentesque ut sapien at arcu feugiat volutpat.


 International Legal Consulting in Business
Attorney-at-Law Office
Ph.D. Magdalena Rytwińska-Rasz

ul. Nawrot 4/1
90-060 Łódź

NIP: 8311059198
REGON: 731639638

tel./fax +48 42 630 58 41
tel. +48 42 632 51 44

e-mail: kancelaria@b2blegal.pl

Contact form